The Best Uses for Cannabis Topicals

If you’re like most people, you probably think of cannabis as something that’s smoked or eaten. But what about cannabis topicals? Cannabis topicals are products that are applied to the skin, and they can be used for a variety of purposes. In this blog post, we will discuss the best uses for topical cannabis.

What Are Cannabis Topicals?

Topicals are medical products, such as balms, lotions, oils, and transdermal patches that you apply directly to your skin. These products are infused with cannabinoids, most commonly CBD but also THC. They can provide more targeted relief than other cannabis products because they can be applied directly to the problem area.

Unlike marijuana products like flower, edibles, or concentrates that can cause intoxication, cannabis topicals are perfect for patients who want the therapeutic benefits of cannabis without the high.

Many topical cannabis products also include ingredients such as a beeswax or coconut oil base or active ingredients such as lavender or tea tree oil. Before using any type of topical, be sure to thoroughly research the ingredients list to ensure it meets your needs.

Topical Cannabis for Pain Relief

One of the most common uses for cannabis topicals is for pain relief, due in large part to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Cannabis extract-based skin topicals are not only effective in relieving common conditions such as insect bites and Burns, but they also help with other issues like joint pain, swelling, and bruises. A recent study indicates that using cannabis topicals can help regulate the immune system by lowering inflammation throughout the body.

An increasing amount of research, albeit still preliminary, has shown that people are using cannabis for chronic pain relief instead of opioids and other harmful prescription medications. Also, by using topical cannabis consumers can apply beneficial cannabinoids directly onto the site of their pain for localized pain relief.

How to Use Cannabis Topicals for Pain and Symptom Management

  1. Wash the application area. You’ll want to clean the area you’re targeting with a topical cream before application. This way, any dirt, grease, or oil sitting on top of the skin won’t block absorption and potentially reduce effectiveness.
  2. Sometimes, more is better. Keep in mind that if you don’t see results immediately, it’s okay to apply more cream. Remember to give the cream some time to work by waiting an hour before adding anything else. And once you see results that you’re happy with, make sure to reapply every 3-4 hours or whenever the pain returns.
  3. Wash your hands. Lastly, ensure that you wash your hands after applying a cannabis topical. This is particularly important if you are using a topical that contains THC and you want to avoid the psychoactive effects. Also, cannabis oils are quite sticky, so leaving topicals on your hands can create quite a mess.

Cannabis Topicals for Skin Health

There are a variety of skin conditions that studies have shown can be helped with topical cannabis.


Acne is partially caused by an overproduction of oil, but cannabis oil has the ability to slow down that process. Additionally, hemp seed and CBD oil are anti-inflammatory, which may help reduce redness and swelling often seen in acne flare-ups.


Psoriasis is an extensive condition that will often result in remarkable changes to your skin, such as the development of scales and red blotches. We need more scientific research, but what we have so far points to cannabis as a new treatment for psoriasis. This is because both hemp seed oil and CBD oil contain anti-inflammatory qualities, which people with psoriasis often say provide relief.


Cannabis is rich in antioxidants, which can help break the chains of oxidation that lead to aging. Applying Cannabis-infused topicals to your skin can help it detoxify from harmful elements and reduce the signs of aging.


Cannabis has been shown to disrupt the growth of microbes that can cause infection. Similar to antibacterial agents, antiseptics eliminate and slow the growth of microorganisms, including viruses.


Topical cannabis can also be used as a simple moisturizer. When CBD oil is applied to the skin, it helps improve dryness and prevent peeling, rough patches, and cracks.

The Last Toke

If you are interested in trying topical cannabis, stop by Frost Exotic Cannabis in Denver, Colorado. We have a variety of cannabis topical products available for purchase, and our knowledgeable staff would be more than happy to help you find the perfect one for your needs.

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