The Dankest Dark Dabs in Denver

There’s a type of cannabis concentrate that can be hard to find in the Denver scene, and it’s dark. It’s so elusive, primarily because most people view darker concentrates as inferior. But there is a growing segment of dabbers who prefer the experience of the “dark dab” or “black dab,” as they are sometimes known. Let’s explore why these dabs have a small but enthusiastic fan base.

Dark is . . . Bad?

Dark extracts have a bad reputation in the cannabis world, generally speaking. Darker concentrates usually sell for far less money than those that are more light and clear. The market clearly prefers light extracts, as evidenced by many dispensary owners saying the same thing: “If it’s too dark, it won’t sell.” But why? Could it be that we have no real reason to prefer light-colored extracts beyond aesthetic preference?

People are very picky about the color of things they eat. It’s a crucial part of determining whether something is safe. We don’t want to take the chance that whatever has an odd color has gone bad, so we avoid it. This is why artificial colors have been used in the food industry to dye a wide range of commonly eaten foods. Oranges are dyed to an eye-catching hue, while butter is made to a lovely creamy yellow. To get the perfect white, flour and eggs are bleached.

There is, without a doubt, a comparable bias in the current extract market towards extracts that are light and transparent in hue. The claim is that color indicates quality, with lighter hues indicating purer and more refined extracts. Nonetheless, this misconception does not withstand scientific evidence — there is no genuine relationship between light color and quality. In reality, there are several reasons to choose darker concentrates.

Fewer Solvents and Less Processing

dark wax concentrate

Extracts are made through a variety of techniques, and these methods can have an impact on the final color. The technique for producing transparent, clear concentrates frequently involves solvents and must be maintained low after they are removed. Because of this, it is more difficult to remove the remaining chemical solvents, and there will be more residual solvents in the extract. That isn’t to say that there aren’t any clean, clear extracts available, but they are more prone to contamination.

Water, alcohol, and other solventless alternatives are confirmed to be free of solvent (because no chemical solvents are employed in the manufacturing process) but they tend to be a darker color.

More Marijuana

More of the cannabis plant is included in darker concentrates. Some people believe this is a negative thing and that just certain chemicals such as THC or CBD should be isolated. Even so, many users feel that when the plant is reduced to this degree, it provides a considerably different high than the original cannabis flower would have. There are a large number of compounds in the cannabis plant. When consumed together, they work in synergy to produce a more well-rounded high.

This is the “entourage effect,” and it has been studied numerous times.

The Last Toke

Cannabis is about personal pleasure, and there are undoubtedly individuals that prefer the effects of more refined or less processed extracts. However, light colors do not always represent high quality, and in some cases, they might suggest the exact opposite. Consumers searching for concentrates that have the feel of flower or a more grounded high should consider trying something darker and less processed.

Our budtenders at Frost Exotic Cannabis can help you choose the right concentrate for your needs. Visit us today and explore our selection of darker dabs. You might just find your new favorite!

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